Was feeling half awake a couple hours ago and had the dumb idea to get everything done for the lists before going to bed. Soon after my brain turned to much and I was operating at half speed .. then quarter speed. Steamie was looking up at me telling me it’s bedtime daddy. Anyhow .. I didn’t listen, and now you have today’s list a bit early. Enjoy!
Continue reading “2018 Sept 05 – 344 Auction Domains”
2018 Sept 05 – 682 Closeout Domains
Really nice having more people slowly contacting to say hello and thanks. Also note that now you can post comments at the bottom of each daily list. If you have any comments on the names or patterns or anything else I’ve discussed, then please go to the bottom and say a word. The first time you post I need to moderate it (an anti-spam feature), but it shouldn’t be too long before I do (and respond). Happy closeout hunting! 🙂
Continue reading “2018 Sept 05 – 682 Closeout Domains”
2018 Sept 04 – 382 Auction Domains
A solid day of domain names at auction today. Nothing specific, just some really nice brands in a variety of categories. I like days like this as usually it means I can snipe a couple gems with only a bit or two .. or even at closeout if I’m lucky!
Continue reading “2018 Sept 04 – 382 Auction Domains”
2018 Sept 04 – 684 Closeout Domains
Posting early again so you can all get the names before others. Will likely post auctions before bed as well so I can sleep in a bit again tomorrow morning before work!
Continue reading “2018 Sept 04 – 684 Closeout Domains”
2018 Sept 03 – 355 Auction Domains
Did a lot of walking with Steamie and a lot of list scanning this weekend. Pretty tired now, so wanted to post today’s auction list now so I can sleep in a bit tomorrow before work. Have a great week everyone! 🙂
Continue reading “2018 Sept 03 – 355 Auction Domains”
2018 Sept 03 – 673 Closeout Domains
Just got in from a big late night walk with Steamie. Probably going to post the auctions before bed as well so I can sleep in a bit tomorrow.
Continue reading “2018 Sept 03 – 673 Closeout Domains”
2018 Sept 02 – 307 Auction Domains
I’ve noticed an increase of immediate closeout snipping again on some of the better domains that didn’t get bids. GoDaddy has done some changes and I think the bots have finally adjusted. Or maybe it’s simply a new player (or someone who was on vacation) coming back into auctions who also goes deep into the expiration lists. Either way, what used to be “under the radar” domains that used to slip through that I could grab at closeout, are now being snipped. Maybe it’s a good thing as it’ll keep my portfolio from getting too much larger! lol
Went for a monster walk with Steamie yesterday. Here steamed Hot Dogs are locally referred as “Steamies” (even in French), so Steamie made for a perfect name for a Dachshund! Some of you might already follow him at SteamieTheHotDog.com (forwards to a simple FB Page) .. but his name is a perfect example of a bad domain name .. as whenever I say it to people I have to specify it’s Steamie as opposed to Steamy! Either way he’s the cutest dog in the world though!
All the way at the bottom is a place for you to leave your comments. Please feel free to do so whether it’s to comment on my words here .. or on the domains in the lists .. or to tell Steamie how cute he is! lol
Continue reading “2018 Sept 02 – 307 Auction Domains”
2018 Sept 02 – 655 Closeout Domains
I try to wait as long as possible in the morning to post the Domains at Auction list so that the number of bids is as up to date as possible. But I don’t have that factor with the closeouts list so I can post them earlier. The earlier the better for all of you as you get more time to buy them before anyone else (all the losers who don’t read my blog .. lol). I’m still trying to figure out when to post closeouts, but it’s nice having one less thing to worry about in the morning.
Continue reading “2018 Sept 02 – 655 Closeout Domains”
2018 Sept 01 – 336 Auction Domains
Yesterday I recycled my old Commodore 64! I spent hundreds if not thousands of hours on that thing, but hadn’t touched it in well over 20 years. I’ve gotten really good at not acquiring too many new things .. but it still is hard getting rid of old stuff. Over the last few days I also catalogued and tossed out a bunch of old comic books that got damaged in the flooding. Some old 1980’s Spiderman and X-Men and some other cool valuable ones. I hadn’t touched them in just as long as my C64. So moved them all 2-3 times between places I’ve lived since. One part of me feels a little good getting rid of some clutter .. but the other side of me is nostalgic and is upset at losing part of my youth.
I think a lot of us domainers likely have a very similar connection to our domains. Where some of them we know will never be used by anyone .. yet we still hang on to them and renew them instead of letting them drop. I’ve been “officially” domaining almost 2 years now, and let some of my earliest acquisitions drop almost a year ago. It’s getting to the point where I’m still happy with most of my acquisitions from last year at this time and I’m letting almost no domains drop anymore. After yesterday I hope Continue reading “2018 Sept 01 – 336 Auction Domains”
2018 Sept 01 – 657 Closeout Domains
Going to try to get closeouts done the night before from this point forward to give you all an even better chance of grabbing the best ones first! 🙂
Continue reading “2018 Sept 01 – 657 Closeout Domains”