Here are Saturday’s closeouts. For those of you who haven’t noticed yet, I’ve been trying to get closeouts posted consistently at 9am Eastern time. No promises, but if I get them done before bed I’ll set them to 9am (Eastern Time Zone = Montreal, New York City). It might change in the future. Those who want priority access, eventually I’m going to start a newsletter, which will likely be mailed out first to faithful visitors who use my affiliate links .. still trying to figure it all out .. might be a little while yet before I start with the newsletters! lol
Continue reading “2019 Mar 09 – 773 Closeout Domain Names”
2019 Mar 08 – 429 Auction Domain Names
Still super busy these days, but finally managing to post almost on time .. tomorrow is the last day of non-daylight-savings-time .. so after that I should be posting at a more consistent time. Happy Friday everyone!
Continue reading “2019 Mar 08 – 429 Auction Domain Names”
2019 Mar 08 – 771 Closeout Domain Names
NOTICE: At some point in the not too distant future I hope to be doing a bit more writing and talking about domains that sold, etc. As a courtesy to those of you who use my affiliate links (to help me feed Steamie), if ever you don’t want me to publish info about domains you bought, please contact me PRIVATELY (omit @ name cult dot com) listing the domains(s) and GoDaddy transaction number(s), and I’ll do my best to make sure your domains are omitted from any list or discussion.
And a BIG THANKS to all of you who support my time and effort by clicking my links! 🙂
Continue reading “2019 Mar 08 – 771 Closeout Domain Names”
2019 Mar 07 – 369 Auction Domain Names
Things in my life are beyond chaotic these days. I really wish I could be a little more entertaining here, but it’s insurance issues, still with my flood, my knees, work, an old side-business issue and bla bla bla … It’s just sucking the energy right out of me. Good news is that today seems like it’s going to be the last bone chilling day of the winter. It’s still going to be cold .. but not stupid cold! Will soon be time to take nice long relaxing walks with Steamie again! 🙂
Continue reading “2019 Mar 07 – 369 Auction Domain Names”
2019 Mar 07 – 811 Closeout Domain Names
Here are Thursday’s closeouts.
Continue reading “2019 Mar 07 – 811 Closeout Domain Names”
2019 Mar 06 – 459 Auction Domain Names
It seems as we progress into the new year there’s more and more names in the auctions (Remember today’s auctions expired 35 days ago and therefore were originally registered around February 1st). It’s taking me more time to make the lists, but obviously finding more names to share. The timing seems perfect as Daylight Saving’s Time is already this weeked, so I’ll have an extra hour to put up the lists (or more likely I’ll stop being an hour late .. lol). I wish GoDaddy did DST as well so we’d have that extra hour all year .. damn you Arizona! lol .. .Anyhow .. here are today’s domain names at auction …
Continue reading “2019 Mar 06 – 459 Auction Domain Names”
2019 Mar 06 – 745 Closeout Domain Names
Here are Wednesday’s closeouts.
Continue reading “2019 Mar 06 – 745 Closeout Domain Names”
2019 Mar 05 – 496 Auction Domain Names
I really picked the wrong day to sleep through my alarms .. lol .. as it’s a massive auction day today. I’ll keep this part brief to let you all get to it. Have a good one!
Continue reading “2019 Mar 05 – 496 Auction Domain Names”
2019 Mar 05 – 720 Closeout Domain Names
Here are Tuesday’s closeouts.
Continue reading “2019 Mar 05 – 720 Closeout Domain Names”
2019 Mar 04 – 423 Auction Domain Names
I love the fact that unlike some other marketplaces GoDaddy spreads out it’s auction day so that if you’re targeting multiple domains you can focus on one or two at a time. But the 5.5 hours a day I find is just way too long and I’d love to see them shorten it to about half that time (no less than 2h and no more than 3h). I think that the only people who buy so many domains that such a change could affect them, likely already are running bots or have some other system in place where it really wouldn’t make much difference.
What really led me to thinking about this is that auction days are always 5.5 hours regardless of if there are 25,000 (expiring) domains or 60,000 (expiring) domains. 35 days after Christmas is when domains originally registered at Christmas go to auction. On that “Christmas+35” day a few weeks ago there were half the usual number of domains .. I was thinking how nice it would have been if GoDaddy also gave us a half day as it wouldn’t have meant any difference of intensity or effort for bulk buyers (even if I’m sure it doesn’t affect them .. aka their bots).
I think the majority of domainers do this part time, and as such 5.5 hours a day plus however much time you spend going through the lists each day adds up to too much of my day. But I also think the longer term benefit could be that more people actually participate in the overall entirety of their auctions as opposed to just going on for one or two specific auctions at specific times.
What do you all think? Let me know in the comment section below!
Anyhow .. rather nice auction day today .. one of those days you should be checking the lists a little closer than usual. Have a great week everyone! 🙂
PS @GoDaddy .. Also on the subject of time … Please move to a state that has daylight savings time so that I don’t have to change my routine and Excel formulas twice a year! 😉