2018 Oct 15 – 945 Closeout Domain Names

I messed up a bit and put Friday’s auction list up at NameCult instead of Sunday’s! I did put the first 60% up at NP, but then the double mistake was that I left to go to my mom’s on a big walk with Steamie, and forgot to post the last 40% of names (NP limits the size of posts to 150,000 characters including all the mark-up code). So an unfortunate timing of two mistakes that lead to a blackout of about 90 minutes where names were not up before they went to auction. Which sucks even more because Sunday was a good day for expired auction names!

I think a lot of it is that I’m really burnt these days. Sooooooooooo tired! Regular full-time job, dealing with legal/financial issues from a past partnership, walking Steamie tons, still dealing with insurance frustration issues from my water damage, half my small is piled into my living room where I’m also living on the couch with no hot water for 3 months now. My knee has also been an issue the last few days. Walking isn’t too bad most of the time, but stairs hurt, and I can’t run or jog at all without pain .. which sucks for Steamie whenever he sees a squirrel because usually we chase them together! All of it combined together has me completely exhausted .. and more importantly .. has me really slacking when it comes to managing my own portfolio. 🙁

I was actually contemplating taking a break from the lists, or maybe even making it private only for people who click the links. Of the hundred people who visit the lists each day at NP, only 2-3 actually click like/thanks (always the same people, who certainly make me feel like all this work is appreciated). Also, as mentioned in a couple of other threads, it really has not been the extra money I was hoping for. In fact, there have been many weeks where I was spending more on taxis because I was running late for my real-world job (working on my lists until the last minute) than the commissions I was actually making from the links. Effectively I was losing money posting the lists .. lol. But then a day or two ago I actually asked you all to be sure to click the domain links in my lists, and sure enough, a couple more of you did, not a huge difference .. but enough so that if it continues it will motivate me to keep going with the lists a litle while longer .. and pay for a couple taxi rides this week if I need them .. lol.

As you all know I didn’t really start doing the lists to make money. I had already been doing the lists for over a year before even adding affiliate links (a few months ago). So I was doing it for free for a year. Plus I was going through the expiration lists anyways, although at this point it still is a good chunk of time converting the lists to be friendly for NP and for NameCult. My goals for the list is/was more longer term, to use it to help make the (hopeful) jump/transition to full-time domainer. Eventually (very soon I hope) I need to cut my portfoilio down to a more managable size, and having people visit my lists and NameCult will obviously bring more attention to any auctions/wholesaling I might do in the future.

Anyhow .. hope you all are getting more rest and less stress than I am! lol .. Have a great start to your week! 🙂

All lists are now searchable and sortable. To show only $5 closeouts (auctions on their final day before no longer being available at closeout) simply do a search for “$5”. Or to only see Marketing related domains, do a search for “Media” and you’ll get names I’ve marked that contain “Marketing”, “Multinedia” and other Marketing related terms.

$5vividcraze.com3$1670Traffic: Click here for stats12:28com
$5newuniverse.net1$1322Traffic: Click here for stats14:35net
$5binge.us15$737Dictionary Word14:53us
$5epoch.info0$971Dictionary Word16:06info
$5codex.us0$1137Dictionary Word16:47us
$8csprojectmanagement.com2$786Traffic: Click here for stats12:34com
$8unstoppable.us0$824Dictionary Word13:46us
$8impossibly.net1$703Dictionary Word*13:54net
$8coinbasecanada.com3$1378Crypto | TM14:44com
$8idvapor.com1$1283Traffic: Click here for stats14:51com
$8sphinx.biz1$768Dictionary Word14:55biz
$8onlineclasses.me1$1117Traffic: Click here for stats16:07me
$8wolofi.com1$1070Traffic: Click here for stats16:15com
$8niftyelite.com8$1342Traffic: Click here for stats16:30com
$8masking.me1$782Dictionary Word16:56me
$9fledgling.org14$1308Dictionary Word*12:02org
$9navigator.ws1$447Dictionary Word12:11ws
$9tempestuous.org1$313Dictionary Word*12:56org
$9rippers.org1$1182Dictionary Word14:44org
$9nylonsuper.com11$1089Traffic: Click here for stats15:03com
$9sari.biz13$507Dictionary Word15:06biz
$9chef.ws1$1117Dictionary Word15:16ws
$9immigrate.biz8$356Dictionary Word*15:34biz
$9kpemalaysia.com2$310Traffic: Click here for stats16:21com
$10sillyness.net3$394Dictionary Word13:08net
$10tenforwardlounge.net2$29Traffic: Click here for stats14:19net
$10encompassing.org0$928Dictionary Word15:13org
$10kyx.biz4$488Traffic: Click here for stats15:21biz
$10tradeeagles.com3$1344Traffic: Click here for stats16:00com
$10densely.org6$655Dictionary Word16:03org
$10medihaber.org0$582Traffic: Click here for stats16:28org
$10steelfederation.org3$421Traffic: Click here for stats16:33org
$10recapped.org2$839Dictionary Word17:00org
$10friendlychat.org11$606Traffic: Click here for stats17:10org
$10juntha.com10$1048Traffic: Click here for stats*17:20com
$10personalised.info0$245Dictionary Word17:24info
$11dizziest.com13$701Dictionary Word12:10com
$11hemproute.com5$1404Traffic: Click here for stats12:17com
$11sunbeds.org0$1358Dictionary Word12:57org
$11barbarism.org5$815Dictionary Word13:31org
$11exude.net3$1430Dictionary Word13:46net
$11drier.org1$1209Dictionary Word13:55org
$11cement.tv4$2659Dictionary Word14:13tv
$11warhorses.org6$645Dictionary Word14:15org
$11knighted.org1$1127Dictionary Word14:18org
$11jaost.com10$903Traffic: Click here for stats14:50com
$11idolending.com4$1382Traffic: Click here for stats16:33com
$11thoah.com9$1017Traffic: Click here for stats16:33com
$11torrention.com14$1251Traffic: Click here for stats17:14com

IMPORTANT: I highly suggest you double and triple check all domains for typos, bad translations, trademarks, IDNs and to confirm any errors in stats/data. Remember that the only person ever responsible for buying a domain is the person who buys it.

These lists are intended as a tool and starting point to bring awareness to notable and interesting domains at auction (many of them should not be registered as a domainer, for others it depends on the price) .. from there it is up to you to do your own research to make sure everything is accurate and that the domain has enough resale value to justify purchasing.

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