2018 Dec 17 – 431 Closeout Domain Names

I’ve got quite a bit going on outside of domains these days, and unfortunately time management has been a huge issue, which unfortunately then results sometimes in shorter and later lists. While I hope to get back on track, I’m also trying to figure out what to do long term with my daily lists. It’s fairly obvious that most of you simply are not clicking on the links before making your purchases at GoDaddy, and because of that I get zero return on all the time and energy it takes to make and share my daily lists. Last time I asked all of you to use the links within my lists, I actually noticed a little spike .. so with the holidays coming, I kindly ask that you all simply click on the domains in my lists before making purchases at GoDaddy. You don’t need to click on every link for every name you buy from my list, but please remember it is VERY IMPORTANT that one of my links is the last link you click before you check out at GoDaddy. Essentially if you click on 100 of my links, but then click on just one link from another person, then they get all the affiliate commissions and I get nothing.

Thanks! 🙂

All lists are now searchable and sortable. To show only $5 closeouts (auctions on their final day before no longer being available at closeout) simply do a search for “$5”. Or to only see Cannabis related domains, do a search for “Canna” and you’ll get names I’ve marked that contain “420”, “MaryJane” and other Marijuana related terms.

$5zenithmax.com0$1493Traffic: Click here for stats14:16com
$8oilers.co1$659Dictionary Word12:19co
$8namemeaning.info0$75Traffic: Click here for stats12:22info
$8waggles.org1$927Dictionary Word13:19org
$8moonshine.biz17$921Dictionary Word15:00biz
$9decimated.org0$800Dictionary Word12:29org
$9magnifying.org4$690Dictionary Word13:07org
$9seasonal.me0$1224Dictionary Word14:11me
$9acquire.biz3$999Dictionary Word15:10biz
$9ratio.info0$1303Dictionary Word16:08info
$10tangentpay.com0$1529Traffic: Click here for stats*11:37com
$10spectroscope.org0$880Dictionary Word11:51org
$10headrest.net0$1222Dictionary Word14:30net
$10theliberalroar.com0$975Traffic: Click here for stats15:27com
$10doubledecker.org0$1418Dictionary Word16:06org
$10embarked.org0$952Dictionary Word16:09org
$10unaware.org13$1303Dictionary Word16:11org
$10educational.us3$1054Dictionary Word16:19us
$11allen.ws2$793Dictionary Word11:55ws
$11analogous.org13$1306Dictionary Word12:18org
$11extensiblehr.com0$1458Traffic: Click here for stats12:33com
$11beshrew.com1$1546Dictionary Word12:35com
$11candidate.me8$1363Dictionary Word13:08me
$11omgout.com0$1527Traffic: Click here for stats13:19com
$11colonisation.net1$189Dictionary Word13:41net
$11gistwonder.com0$1228Traffic: Click here for stats14:05com
$11xtremexpert.com10$1180Two missing E's15:00com
$11familyunderprotection.com0$790Traffic: Click here for stats15:18com
$11ixeet.com0$1126Traffic: Click here for stats15:51com

IMPORTANT: I highly suggest you double and triple check all domains for typos, bad translations, trademarks, IDNs and to confirm any errors in stats/data. Remember that the only person ever responsible for buying a domain is the person who buys it.

These lists are intended as a tool and starting point to bring awareness to notable and interesting domains at auction (many of them should not be registered as a domainer, for others it depends on the price) .. from there it is up to you to do your own research to make sure everything is accurate and that the domain has enough resale value to justify purchasing.

One Reply to “2018 Dec 17 – 431 Closeout Domain Names”

  1. Hello Ategy, I had no idea that was how the link thingy worked.
    You might have to go meet Shane and get some of your cut from em, cos I go though the list the same time lol.
    Anyways happy holidays and still looking forward to that newsletter.
    Have a great week!

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