2019 Mar 09 – 492 Auction Domain Names

Yesterday was a pretty good day. I hadn’t worked in a few days so my knees were really calm. I managed to get ahead 1.5 days with the lists (like today, TONS more names the next 2 days at least).

TIMING NOTE: I’m also happy that Daylight Savings Time starts tomorrow. Because GoDaddy is based in the state of Arizona where they don’t switch for daylight savings time, everybody in the world who does have daylight savings time will get an extra hour (to sleep) before auctions start. BE CAREFUL .. if you live in a place where Daylight Savings Time starts at a different date, the auctions times listed below might be different for you tomorrow than it is today. At the moment all times I list are based on Eastern Time Zone (Montreal, New York, Miami).

NOTE 2: At some point in the not too distant future I hope to be doing a bit more writing and talking about domains that sold, etc. As a courtesy to those of you who use my affiliate links (to help me feed Steamie), if ever you don’t want me to publish info about domains you bought, please contact me PRIVATELY (omit @ name cult dot com) listing the domains(s) and GoDaddy transaction number(s), and I’ll do my best to make sure your domains are omitted from any list or discussion.

Remember that comments are open below, so feel free to say hello or let me know if you bought any of the domain names. Have a good one! 🙂

Everything is searchable! If you search for “Crypto” you’ll get all the domain names I’ve tagged with Crypto Currency related terms (including domains with “Mining”, “Cryptocoin” and other Digital Currency type terms).

$12vigilant.biz00$656Dictionary Word11:08biz
$185balancedbookkeeping.com3016$2691Traffic: Click here for stats*11:14com
$12selfconscious.org08$1017Dictionary Word11:29org
$12yellowhorizon.com05$1737Traffic: Click here for stats12:54com
$12sally.cc019$89Dictionary Word13:05cc
$12leek.us03$406Dictionary Word13:39us
$20rockethousing.com30$2523Traffic: Click here for stats*13:50com
$12casually.org00$1475Dictionary Word*14:35org
$405simplyhealthcare.com5115$4143Traffic: Click here for stats*14:46com
$12rhinoromance.com07$1441For those who like it rhuff! lol14:59com
$12erizy.com00$1175Traffic: Click here for stats15:21com
$12euphony.org02$1588Dictionary Word15:25org
$12papacy.org00$1004Dictionary Word15:27org
$23italmed.com30$1965Traffic: Click here for stats15:42com
$12greatmystic.com00$1324Traffic: Click here for stats16:11com
$12misguidedly.com00$1505Dictionary Word*16:18com

IMPORTANT: I highly suggest you double and triple check all domains for typos, bad translations, trademarks, IDNs and to confirm any errors in stats/data. Remember that the only person ever responsible for buying a domain is the person who buys it.

These lists are intended as a tool and starting point to bring awareness to notable and interesting domains at auction (many of them should not be registered as a domainer, for others it depends on the price) .. from there it is up to you to do your own research to make sure everything is accurate and that the domain has enough resale value to justify purchasing.

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