2019 July 16 – 485 Closeout Domain Names

Here are Tuesday’s closeouts.

Remember that for every group of 5 closeout domains you buy, you get $5 off ($1 off per domain incorporated into the price).

All lists are searchable and sortable. To show only $5 closeouts simply do a search for “$5”. Or to only see Dictionary Word domains, do a search for “Word” or “Dict” and you’ll get names I’ve marked that are dictionary words.

A BIG THANKS to all who support my time and effort by clicking the domain links! 🙂

$5bookies.cc0$1247Dictionary Word14:31cc
$5cryptology.me2$1336Dictionary Word14:47me
$5neighbourhood.biz1$766Dictionary Word16:28biz
$5guzab.com0$1034Traffic: Click here for stats16:32com
$8petcondoms.com1$2167Is this a thing? lol16:38com
$10postural.org10$1251Dictionary Word*12:02org
$10thecannabiscoin.com2$1812Crypto | Cannabis14:43com
$11midi.biz0$1148Dictionary Word12:00biz
$11independent.biz15$1661Dictionary Word12:38biz
$11bronco.biz0$596Dictionary Word13:07biz
$11bowls.biz15$682Dictionary Word13:09biz
$11clown.biz13$997Dictionary Word13:14biz
$11destination.biz15$1675Dictionary Word13:57biz
$11dealership.biz15$1045Dictionary Word*14:05biz
$11kangaroo.biz15$891Dictionary Word14:46biz
$11skateboards.biz12$1166Dictionary Word*15:01biz
$11whoop.tv4$1665Dictionary Word*16:44tv
$11scarf.biz15$795Dictionary Word17:06biz
$11sprinklers.biz15$756Dictionary Word17:17biz
$11distance.tv3$2309Dictionary Word17:19tv
$11sausage.biz15$1017Dictionary Word17:19biz
$11asbestos.biz4$1192Dictionary Word17:26biz

IMPORTANT: I highly suggest you double and triple check all domains for typos, bad translations, trademarks, IDNs and to confirm any errors in stats/data. Remember that the only person ever responsible for buying a domain is the person who buys it.

These lists are intended as a tool and starting point to bring awareness to notable and interesting domains at auction (many of them should not be registered as a domainer, for others it depends on the price) .. from there it is up to you to do your own research to make sure everything is accurate and that the domain has enough resale value to justify purchasing.

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