2019 Sept 08 – 619 Auction Domain Names

Still in the middle of changing up my system from finding and selecting actual names, through the technical process of making the lists. It really isn’t very simple of easy to do this day after day (I can’t even remember the last day I missed).

Anyhow .. to break the routine, sometimes I get distracted by various discussions. Yesterday I saw someone start a discussion about wanting to show their portfolio to a professional DN broker “(ideally with knowledge in my niche)”. The person has about 100 domains and asked where was the best place to go?

I saw this and with the possible exceptions of a couple very specific niches, I really felt strongly that there really isn’t a “best place to go”. Domain valuation is not an exact science. So unless your domains are in a niche with a lot of established sales, then paying money to get one domainer’s opinion (who likely doesn’t even understand your specific niche itself) is a waste of money (in my unpaid opinion .. lol). Also …

Also .. valuations are only one part of the actual equation .. other important part is likelihood of actually selling the domain. That factor is often why you see huge variations in valuations. Some people price their domains to sell quickly .. while others want to get the maximum amount even if it means waiting a bit longer and missing some sales. That said, even valuations with the exact same sell-through goals can vary tremendously, but those two ends of the sell-through spectrum make it even more varied to the point where the numbers are going to be so different and wide ranging that you’ll end up asking what’s the point?

Your best bet is to post a few domains in a valuation section of a forum to see what people say in general .. take it all with a grain of salt knowing that some people are significantly better at seeing value in domains while many others don’t have a clue.

I have a different model than most of the so called “big players”, and while I’ve learned sooo much from them and most definitely would not be here today if not for all the information and discussions they’ve shared. But of the little specific advice they’ve given me regarding my domains .. it’s mostly turned out to be wrong (generally speaking on a portfolio level .. I’m sure I still have a few domains I should have dropped at some point .. lol .. although most of those I’ve already dropped). While I’m very organised with my acquisitions because of my daily lists and blog, I’m extremely disorganised with my actual portfolio. I’m probably operating at about 30% of my capacity as most of my domains aren’t priced nor even listed at most of the main marketplaces .. yet I started being profitable in domaining within 2 years (and it wasn’t so much that I was losing before that, I was just growing my portfolio very fast).

The best advice I can give is learn learn learn as much as possible .. listen and relisten to all the old episodes of Domain Sherpa to the point where at first you understand everything .. then to the point where you actually disagree with them on a few things (most of what they say is right on track .. but there are exceptions) … once you get to that point you’ll find you no longer need other people’s evaluations. As well as have a good enough general feel for domains that you’ll end up on your feet if you’ve got a very good general knowledge set and a good command of language and linguistics, or if you stick to niches you understand.

In the end though .. remember that unless you’re doing pro-active outbound, valuations on specific domains really don’t mean much .. overall the lower your price the more likely someone is to buy your domain .. but if you have 1000 GOOD domains priced optimally and have all your domains listed at all the market places, you’ll still end the year with about 980 of them unsold .. so valuations/pricing ??? Meh importance!

The most important thing you can do within your control is getting GOOD domains that someone (or hopefully many people) will actually want and be able to use .. AND .. most importantly .. be sure to acquire them at cheap enough prices so that overall when you combine that with your sell through rate and your mark-up multiple, that you end up making profits!

I’ve added traffic numbers that are reported by GoDaddy .. use them with a grain of salt, they can often change quickly and some question how accurate they are to begin with!

Remember that comments are open below, so feel free to say hello or let me know if you bought any of the domain names.

Everything is searchable! If you search for “Crypto” you’ll get all the domain names I’ve tagged with Crypto Currency related terms (including domains with “Wallet”, “Mining” and other Digital Currency type terms).

$70denaliparkadventures.com1222$920Traffic:41* : Click here for stats12:02com
$12argentinacbd.com01$1376Geo Cannabis12:12com
$12hexfashion.com00$1451Traffic:60* : Click here for stats12:19com
$12bombayvapes.com03$1477Geo Cannabis12:25com
$12japanthc.com01$1351Geo Cannabis12:26com
$12wirelessguardians.com00$1453Traffic:120* : Click here for stats12:35com
$12ourdailybread.net121$1083Traffic:56* : Click here for stats12:36net
$10moraltrading.com16$1417Traffic:65* : Click here for stats12:45com
$12disruptions.net00$1151Dictionary Word13:00net
$12korea420.com01$1468Geo Cannabis13:02com
$12evolutionarynutrients.com00$1322Traffic:58* : Click here for stats13:20com
$12fightingstream.com00$1414Media Traffic:52* : Click here for stats13:28com
$365tntfitness.com520$3751Traffic:144* : Click here for stats13:36com
$12misapply.com05$1909Dictionary Word13:37com
$12austria420.com01$1236Geo Cannabis14:03com
$12leonidmedia.com00$1010Media Traffic:173* : Click here for stats14:32com
$12wallawallavalleywineclub.com02$192Geo Parking:$51*14:39com
$12amerimama.com00$1456Traffic:300* : Click here for stats14:51com
$12tokenization.us05$832Dictionary Word Crypto14:52us
$12golfingworld.org00$1082Traffic:41* : Click here for stats14:53org
$205cryptomutualfunds.com182$3245Crypto Finance15:02com
$12unitedkingdomcannabis.com14$1776Geo Cannabis15:18com
$15852867.com213$570Traffic:65* : Click here for stats15:25com
$15alphapuff.com23$1515Traffic:67* : Click here for stats15:25com
$12brazil420.com01$1306Geo Cannabis15:25com
$12zulwa.com04$1359Traffic:43* : Click here for stats15:40com
$12belgiumcbd.com01$1300Geo Cannabis15:45com
$12hublead.com05$1730Traffic:48* : Click here for stats15:45com
$12mangochan.com00$1158Traffic:482* : Click here for stats15:46com
$12tokenization.co05$1425Dictionary Word Crypto15:48co
$12sweden420.com01$1296Geo Cannabis16:09com
$12420brazil.com01$1335Geo Cannabis16:26com
$504themesclub.com410$2143Traffic:286* : Click here for stats16:27com
$135cardiknox.com157$977Traffic:48* : Click here for stats16:39com
$10yuvtu.com10$1082Traffic:59* : Click here for stats16:45com
$12italy420.com01$1323Geo Cannabis16:55com
$10neavy.com10$1050Traffic:49* : Click here for stats17:03com
$12countyparadise.com00$1320Traffic:41* : Click here for stats17:19com
$12freightkart.com05$1950Traffic:46* : Click here for stats17:23com

IMPORTANT: I highly suggest you double and triple check all domains for typos, bad translations, trademarks, IDNs and to confirm any errors in stats/data. Remember that the only person ever responsible for buying a domain is the person who buys it.

These lists are intended as a tool and starting point to bring awareness to notable and interesting domains at auction (many of them should not be registered as a domainer, for others it depends on the price) .. from there it is up to you to do your own research to make sure everything is accurate and that the domain has enough resale value to justify purchasing.

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