2018 Oct 30 – 396 Auction Domain Names

Here are Tuesday’s auctions. Yesterday’s Domain Sherpa was quite interesting with the ICA members discussing a few things, most important of which is the potential unfreezing of .com pricing. I seriously doubt it’s actually going to happen, but there’s always a small chance. If you haven’t already go check out all the information at http://stopthepriceincreaseof.com/, sign the petition, and if you live in the USA, then also contact your government leaders. For those of you with small portfolios, a small increase in price might not seem like a lot now, but even a 50 cent whole increase will likely be a $1+ retail increase, which if you have 100 domains or less might not be a big deal over the course of a year, but as your portfolio grows, it’s going to start making a difference. Also keep in mind, that if the price is unfrozen, that they could potentially increase the price again almost every year.

Also, just a reminder, most of the time when you see a really strange looking domain name in my lists, it’s because it has “reported” traffic, parking revenue, or even simply has more bids than I was expecting and therefore putting it on the list for you to check out yourselves. So when you see a domain tagged with “traffic”, you really should click the link and go check the stats. Same holds true if the domain has a lot of bids, google it, usually you’ll be able to figure out why so many people want it after a little investigating. Sometimes if I’ve marked it “Traffic”, there’s also reported parking revenue (which I don’t always tag if the domain has both traffic and parking revenue), so again, click the links to get the actual reported numbers (and also realise that sometimes those numbers are bot driven).
Continue reading “2018 Oct 30 – 396 Auction Domain Names”

2018 Oct 29 – 385 Auction Domain Names

I started writing a longer diatribe on people’s expectations of valuation services as a result of a couple of discussions on the forums over the last few days .. but I’m not quite finished, and it’s either I finish now .. or I go back to the couch and nap with little Steamie who is curled up in donut mode! I swear that dog has the best life .. go out for big fun walk .. chase squirrels .. come home .. chase toy squirrels .. nap .. eat .. sleep .. eat .. go out …

Steamie in Donut Mode
Continue reading “2018 Oct 29 – 385 Auction Domain Names”