2018 Oct 20 – 454 Auction Domain Names

Another nice day for auctions. Even better that it’s on the weekend when it seems there are a few less people bidding. In the world of domains it’s pretty much impossible to control how big a buyer’s wallet is and know for sure what kind of budget a future buyer will have. However the one thing you do have full control over is your own wallet. Just as important as making sure you buy quality re-sellable domains, is that you buy them at a low enough price that the few you buy each year will at least cover the costs of renewals of the ones you don’t sell.

I personally don’t agree with most big name domainers telling you to buy the best domains you can. Saying just that leaves out one of the biggest parts of not just the domaining business, but every business. You need to buy your inventory at a low enough price so that you can eventually make some profit. The difference in the world of domains, is that even the portfolios with the best domains priced reasonably, will still only sell a small fraction of their portfolio .. as such you need to buy low enough so that for the domains you do buy, you’ll get a significant profit/multiple. The basic concept of buy low and sell is more important in the world of domains than just about any other business in the world.

What’s good about buying domains at auction on the weekend, is that with less people bidding, your acquisition prices can often be lower. Certainly not always, as in the end it just takes one other person who really wants the same domain(s) as you to drive up the price. But with less people online, your chances are certainly better to find something cheaper on Sunday than you would the same domain if it went to auction on a Wednesday.

Never buy any domain .. even the very best domains, unless the price is right! That being said .. the difficult part is figuring out what that right price is!? lol .. But that’s a significantly longer and more complex discussion! 😉

Anyhow .. have a great weekend everyone!

Remember that comments are open below, so feel free to say hello or let me know if you bought any of the domain names. Have a good one! 🙂

Everything is searchable! If you search for “Energy” you’ll get all the domain names I’ve tagged with energy related terms (including domains with “Wind”, “Hydro” and other utility type terms).

$12mysterious.biz01$561Dictionary Word12:02biz
$12roomba.org01$1907TM | Huge Estibot | Big Stats*12:03org
$12temptation.info00$1009Dictionary Word12:08info
$25bimetrack.com41$1211Traffic: Click here for stats12:22com
$228wetex.com4622$3451Traffic: Click here for stats*12:23com
$12rhinouniversity.com012$1958Traffic: Click here for stats12:46com
$12inspiring.tv01$1853Dictionary Word*13:00tv
$12machinist.info017$418Dictionary Word13:11info
$12wirelessdoorbell.com017$2206Huge stats on this one!*13:13com
$116sleepmeds.com1816$2779Big stats on this one!*13:24com
$35beersupplies.com517$2701Huge stats on this one!*13:25com
$12dean.info017$880Dictionary Word13:28info
$12sculpting.tv01$1278Dictionary Word13:30tv
$210carbon.info190$3757Dictionary Word*13:33info
$10ndiproducts.com118$993Traffic: Click here for stats13:56com
$12topology.info017$446Dictionary Word14:06info
$12medicinal.tv01$1821Dictionary Word14:19tv
$15mybestperfume.com210$1120Traffic: Click here for stats14:23com
$12hyena.biz01$609Dictionary Word14:25biz
$240onwander.com307$1194Traffic: Click here for stats14:35com
$12historical.tv01$1901Dictionary Word*14:38tv
$12instructional.tv01$170Dictionary Word14:46tv
$12pathology.biz01$1523Dictionary Word14:47biz
$12makeover.info017$992Dictionary Word*14:54info
$17astuteimage.com24$1212Traffic: Click here for stats*15:26com
$15raviramesh.com25$927Traffic: Click here for stats15:36com
$15baixarfilmestorrent.me21$20Traffic: Click here for stats15:39me
$12umbilical.net01$1063Dictionary Word*15:58net
$12smooth.info017$2151Dictionary Word16:05info
$105challengers.net921$2307Dictionary Word*16:06net
$12accessibility.biz01$730Dictionary Word16:07biz
$12adultstore.org11$1733Traffic: Click here for stats16:09org
$12sketching.tv01$1082Dictionary Word16:14tv
$12adrenalin.biz01$687Dictionary Word*16:28biz
$10a3ventas.com11$708Traffic: Click here for stats16:33com
$12squirrelpie.com04$1283This one is for Steamie! Lol17:22com

IMPORTANT: I highly suggest you double and triple check all domains for typos, bad translations, trademarks, IDNs and to confirm any errors in stats/data. Remember that the only person ever responsible for buying a domain is the person who buys it.

These lists are intended as a tool and starting point to bring awareness to notable and interesting domains at auction (many of them should not be registered as a domainer, for others it depends on the price) .. from there it is up to you to do your own research to make sure everything is accurate and that the domain has enough resale value to justify purchasing.

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