2019 Jan 03 – 305 Auction Domain Names

Here is Thursday’s auction list. Still a huge number of domains being taken from my lists. Particularly those with a higher GD valuation. I thought it might end at year end if the culprit was a big buyer with a big leftover end-of-year budget, but looks like it’s going to keep going into the new year.

NAMECULT NEWSLETTER: I’m finally going to try to start a newsletter before the end of the year. Just to give everyone fair warning, closeout priority and extra auction names will be given to varying degrees to those who use the affiliate links (clicking on the domain names in my lists). If interested, send me an email at lists(at)NameCult.com, and I’ll write you back when I’m ready to get started. More details to follow .. eventually .. lol.

NOTE: All the way at the bottom is a place for you to leave your comments. Please feel free to do so whether it’s to comment on my words here .. or on the domains in the lists!

Everything is searchable! If you search for “Gambling” you’ll get all the domains I’ve tagged with related terms (including domains with “Jackpot”, “Joker” and other gambling terms). You can also click the triangles in the table header to sort the domain names by any field you want.

$12deeply.me06$1468Dictionary Word13:12me
$1025cupcakedigital.com938$1180Traffic: Click here for stats*13:20com
$12paladincomputers.com021$1014Aged 21 years*13:34com
$12orientation.info016$991Dictionary Word14:41info
$12transformational.biz011$184Dictionary Word15:20biz
$12tipsters.org00$2282Dictionary Word15:27org
$12proud.info016$1685Dictionary Word15:59info
$12justwow.net00$1382Traffic: Click here for stats16:05net
$12soltac.com10$1616Traffic: Click here for stats*16:27com

IMPORTANT: I highly suggest you double and triple check all domains for typos, bad translations, trademarks, IDNs and to confirm any errors in stats/data. Remember that the only person ever responsible for buying a domain is the person who buys it.

These lists are intended as a tool and starting point to bring awareness to notable and interesting domains at auction (many of them should not be registered as a domainer, for others it depends on the price) .. from there it is up to you to do your own research to make sure everything is accurate and that the domain has enough resale value to justify purchasing.

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